martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

The decision 
Fitz starts to feel something more that hate. He realizes that his father still loved him and her mom. But now everything is confusing... If his dad still love him and his mom, why did he went away, why did he never came and say he's sorry, why did he never came back... Fitz stops following his dad and go back to his house like normal. Eating, going to school, talk with his friend Caleb, everything that a normal 15 year old guy does.

""Actions have consequences," Annie says. No one responds." This is when Fitz goes with his father to his house, her mother was there. She didn't reconize Curtis (the dad) but when Fitz tells him the truth she says that.""yes," his mom says." I think you should. Get going. I think that would be best for everybody.""this is something that Annie says... Mom's face has an edge, something he barely reconize and doesn't like. This may end badly...

Then Fitz is tired of hearing them. But Curtis goes away. He gets the gun... He points at him. "It's done , am sorry" Fitz says... His father is collapsing going to the ground. "What's left is frail and sweaty, what's left is a tearstained mess, what's left is a human. What's left, Fitz could love"...

The end

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

New names
On the book many names are reveled. Annie, Mcgarth, Curtis. All this people were something important on Fitz's life. Curtis is his father which now Fitz say "dad". Annie is her mom that we don't now many things about her. We just know that she works on the zoo. This show us that Fitz does not have many family or someone who is really close to him.

""So, Curtis," Fitz says. It's easier than he thought to call his father by his first name." This quote show us that Fitz is felling something else that only hate. This is really good because maybe they are going to be a normal dad and son."your mother, his father says."Annie "". For me this means that his dad after all this long time Curtis remember Annie "the mother". This all are things that get together for a story that Fitz wants to now and finally now the truth.

I am really exited and nervous for what Fitz can do with him. This is going to be a really exiting ending. This can end a really good way or a really bad way. If Fitz decides to kill his father he will... And it's not going to be a good thing. Imagine a 15 year old boy with a gun pointing to his father which he just met, and he decides to kill him...     

This image show us how everything is important for the truth... Like a puzzle 


viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

Having fun ?
Fitz now start to talk with his dad. He tells him that he has many plans. But he thinks his father is a bad person with many money. They go to take a coffee , visit the zoo and fitz is saying that he has other plans... On all this time fitz is having fun gettin to know his dad but there's a problem he is with a gun and each time he says something to his dad he points him with that gun. So is this love or he is during it because of fear.

"I have plans, big plans". Fitz (Fitzgerald) told him this to his father when someone call his dad from his office (work). This can be that fitz whants to do more than just point him with a gun. "fitz realizes that his father must fell naked -without his phone, his keys, his wallet, without his standard props, his usual gear , without his suit jacket and briefcase". This tell us that his father is a very important person on his work like a businessman. And also that fitz took everything he has everyday.

I think that at the end fitz is going to make his dad go to talk with fitz's mother. I don't know how this is going to end but I think is not going to end really bad because of the gun that fitz has on his pocket.
He can kill him if he whants but I don't think he is going to let him walk away again. It's really mysterious what he is going to do. Also he said something about a friend called Caleb so that can be a really important thing.